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Career Suite
Learn & grow 
with 9am 🤓

Learn and grow with 9am. We help you in your whole
freelancer lifecycle, no matter where you are right now.

No credit card required

What is unique about
the Career Suite

Learn Freelancing Skills

Learn freelancing skills

Enhance your freelancing skills with our weekly blog articles, webinars, and tailored resources.

Connect with Freelancer Community

Connect with the freelancer community

Join our community to network, share experiences, and attend events, online and offline.

Get Personalized Support

Get personalized support

Get help to overcome obstacles with our personalized support during Freelancer Open Hour.

Boost Your Freelancing Career

Boost your freelancing career

Succeed as a freelancer with 9am's support.

Freelancer academy

Freelancer Academy

Our Freelancer Academy is your go-to resource for all things freelancing. Every week, we publish new content covering topics like finding clients, negotiating rates, managing finances, and much more. Our content is designed to be actionable and relevant, so you can start applying what you learn right away. Plus, we're always looking for feedback and suggestions, so let us know what topics you want us to cover next!

The 9am Community

Our community is the heart of 9am. Whether you're looking to connect with others on Slack or attend in-person meetups, our community team is dedicated to helping you connect with other freelancers and grow together. We also organize various events and activities to help you network, learn new skills, and get inspired.

The 9am community
Freelancer open hour

Freelancer Open Hour

Our Freelancer Open Hour is your chance to get personalized support from our community team. Whether you're struggling with a specific project, need advice on how to handle difficult clients, or just want to chat with someone who gets it, we're here for you. Just book a call, and we'll make sure you get the help you need.

Various other resources

In addition to our Freelancer Academy, 9am community, and Freelancer Open Hour, we also offer many other resources to help you succeed as a freelancer. From our job board to our directory of freelancer-friendly tools and services, we're always looking for ways to help you succeed. Plus, we're constantly updating our platform based on feedback from our community, so you can be sure that you're getting the support you need to thrive as a freelancer.

Various other resources


What freelancers say
about us

“I always wanted to build something like the Sales Form myself. I really love it!”

Markus Heinrich

Product Manager

“I really like the idea of a basic freelancer CRM that I don’t have to fill myself.” 

Beate Stein

Senior Backend Developer

“I look forward to seeing more jobs for my profile on 9am.” 

Daniel Günther

Talent Acquisition Consultant

Don't wait!

9am Pro

•  Real-Time Alerts: Get instant notifications for new opportunities.
•  Quick Applications: Apply to projects with one click.
•  Recruiter Insights: Access detailed recruiter profiles.


Get all the
freelancing knowledge

Pension Insurance Obligation as a Freelancer: What Does it Mean?

Pension Insurance Obligation as a Freelancer: What Does it Mean?

Some freelancers in Germany have to become part of the statutory pension insurance. You can learn more about the conditions and consequence...

Client Communication as a Freelancer: What You Should Know

Client Communication as a Freelancer: What You Should Know

For freelancers, client communication is very important for long-term success. Here you will find tips for effective communication with you...

Defining Your Offer as a Freelancer: How to Position Yourself

Defining Your Offer as a Freelancer: How to Position Yourself

Even though it takes time, defining your offer as a freelancer is worth it and will get you more clients and better rates. Here's how it's ...